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SPOLIERS: Bojacks final season is here (well half of it)



It's finally here, the final season of Bojack Horseman the Netflix show about a Horseman with enough self-loathing to be the life of any party.

In all seriousness Bojack's story is about his own depression and facing up to the fact that he's giant asshole to everyone including himself.

The final half season has dropped on Friday and having binged watched them all here are my thoughts.

SPOILER ALERT (If you haven't seen these episodes go watch them!)

So we pick up from the finale of season 5 Bojack's in rehab and in first few episodes we get the sense that Bojack is getting better within the confines of rehab, however this isn't all it's cracked up to be because Bojack seeming new confidence by the end of episode two is destroyed when the idea is given to him that he should leave rehab because he no longer needs it.

We also see Princess Carolyn struggling to manage her life, with a porcupine baby and her own business to look after. Her hectic life gets worse when the different Nanny's she hires keep quitting. Not to mention the Hollywoo assistance go on strike and form a union so the producers, film makers and agents stop treating them like crap.

Mean while Todd is being Todd, now living on Princess Carolyn's house starts his own dating app for asexuals which he is the only member, he also get's a job looking after "Untitled Princess Carolyn Project" aka the Baby which turns into a TV show with a previous character Bojack screwed over at the helm.

Diane's story is rather worrying because whilst Bojack has got better Diane has got worse and not from a character point of view, it's simple Bojack is on the road to recovery whilst Diane is in the opposite lane. She has a boyfriend whom she also works with, loses her job after the website she works for is bought out by an evil conglomerate. Diane has a chance to write her story after years of writing celebrities self indulgent vanity projects. However like Bojack when it came to write his book, he just couldn't, Diane like Bojack thinks people wll hate her.

So it feels as though everyone has there strands for the season, there is two more crucial threads that will make them selves clearer in the second half of the season. The first is Hollyhawke she's clearly to smart to go down the same road as Bojack and be an alcoholic but she does meet someone that could ruin Bojack in here mind forever.

Then the second thread, with two journalists on Bojack's trail trying to uncover what happened to Sarah Lynn and what Bojack's involvement in her death was. So either Bojack is going to be hated by people, which is what he feared all the way back in season 1 or he goes to prison for all the horrible things he's done.

The last series is fitting beginning to the final chapter of Bojack's story, even though fans don't want it to end if Aaron Paul is to be believed it's Netflix that's pulling the plug.

Netflix's decision probably has nothing to do with the fact that Bojacks creator Raphael Bob-Waksberg signed up to produce a new animated cartoon series for Amazon Prime. (We'll just leave that here)

But joking aside I am really going to miss this depressed Horse and his friends, it's been a show that has got better and better by each episode.

You can stream the first half of Bojack Horseman season 6 right now with a Netflix subscription.

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